Purple Cow -- Seth Godin // ongoing
Purple Cow by Seth Godin https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/814WSERaoyL.jpg |
Buku ini ditulis sama Seth Godin. Siapa dia, ya carilah boleh.
Ini notes engga dari awal buku, karena catetatn awal2 ilang (which is why this blog exist), jadi yaudah dari halaman 20an kalo gasalah ini. Update: udah dicatet lagi dari awal walau timestampnya gaurutan. Abaikan aja semua timestamp di post ini.
21 September 2020 -- abaikan aja timestampnya, cuma buat gue nandain catetan fisik.
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Marketers punya 5 Ps of marketing (ada lebih dari 5, tapi masing-masing punya 5 Ps favorit)
.Product, pricing, promotion, positioning, publicity, packaging, pass-along, permission.
.Ini adalah semacam 'checklist': bukan jaminan sukses, tapi kalau semua P bener, you were more likely than not to succeed.
The new P : Purple Cow
.latarbelakang: lagi driving and enchanted by the hundred storybook cow grazing on the picturesque pastures di sebelah highway. Selama beberapa kilometer, mereka gazed out the windows, wow bagus banget. Tapi setelah 20 menit, mulai diabaikan, boring. Kalau aja ada purple cow, bakalan jadi menarik, remarkable.
.Remarkable marketing adalah seni membangun hal yang worth noticing right into your product or service: sadar kalo offering kita ga remarkable, it's invisible.
/Kita udah gabisa market directly to the masses.
.Stop advertising, and start innovating.
.Tom Peters on The Pursuit of Wow: produk ynag punya masa depan adalah produk yang dibuat oleh passionate people.
.4 tipe orang: prospect, customer, loyal customer, former customer. Loyal ini yang mau spend money.
Moore's Chasing the Chasm (diagramnya ada di bawah dan dibahas di bawah)
.ide itu spread dari kiri ke kanan.
.Aspirin itu udah banyak banget, gimana kalau kita punya pain-reliever yang baru ?
.Jawaban umumnya adalah kalo punya duit dan percaya sama produknya, spend all you/ve got to buy tons of national TV and print ads.
.Pertama, harus cari orang yang mau beli pain-reliever: saturated market.
.Kebanyakan orang mau 'original kind', gamau buat coba produk baru. Apalagi kalo udah ketemu pain-reliever yang nyaman, jelas ga akan ganti produk kan ?
.Akhirnya kita butuh orang yang mau dengerin kita tentang pain-reliever ini.
.Kebanyakan orang gabisa beli produk kit. Antara gaada duit atau gapunya waktu atau emang gamau.
Ga ada duit: ga ada market
ga punya waktu: gabisa dengerin pitch kita -- invisible
emang gamau: ya ga akan jadi.
--diagram available choice x available time.
.20 taun yang lalu (dari tanggal buku diterbitkan), produk masih sedikit. Kalau mau beli A, paling cuma ada 4 pilihan. Sekarang engga.
.All the obvious targets are gone, so people arent likely to have easily solved problem.
.Consumers is hard to reach because they ignoring you.
.Satisfied customers are less likely to tell their friend.
TV-industrial complex
--masukin diagram muter: buy ads -- get more distributor -- sell more products -- make profit -- buy ads.
.Sereal: setiap kita beli sereal, kita lagi liat kekuatan iklan TV. Gara-gara kita lihat iklan sereal di TV 30 tahun yang lalu, kita jadi spend extra dollars just for boxes of sereal. Kalo dihitung seumur hidup, that's thousands of dollars in cost premium for TV ads just for breakfast cereal.
19 September 2020 -- abaikan aja timestampnya, cuma buat gue nandain catetan fisik.
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.Create remarkable product that the right people seek out.
.Advertise on early adopters, not everyone. (Moore's curve) -- nanti dimasukin.
.What works ? Outliers. Sangat eksklusif atau sangat murah.
.Mengapa sulit mengikuti 'pemimpin' ? 'Pemimpin' jadi pemimpin karena dia melakukan sesuatu yang 'remarkable', dan sekarang, 'remarkable things'-nya udah taken, jadinya engga lagi 'remarkable' waktu kita yang ngelakuinnya.
.If a products' future is unlikely to be remarkable, if you can't imagine a future in which people are once again fascinated by your products -- it's time to realize that the game has changed. Instead of inventing in a dying product, take profits and reinvest them in building something new.
Moore's Curve https://ileriseviye.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/consumer_mapping003-001.jpg |
.yang mau denger kita adalah innovator dan early adopters karena mereka make an environment where the early & late majority feel safe buying these new item.
.innovators: they just like to having something first - tipikal orang yang bakal duduk paling depan di pameran barang terbaru, orang-orang yang baca edgy journals.
.early adopters: folks that who can actually benefit from using the product and willing to spend some money on it.
.laggards: mereka yang telat beli. beli yang ini karena udah ada yang lebih baru keluar.
.yang marketing ke majority bukan kita, tapi early-adopters, tapi biasanya mereka sells it poorly. kita harus bikin produk yang fleksibel, biar early adopters gampang ngejual/marketing ke majority.
.remarkable buat early adopters and attract the majority
.First, make it far easier to attract the left side of the curve. And second, it makes it easier for therse early adopters to persuasively sell their peer in the rest of the curve.
.Idea that spreads are more likely to succeed than those that dont.
.Semua ide butuh sneezers. (mungkin ini padanan kata influencer pas buku ini ditulis). Sneezer ini biasanya datang dari early adopters (walau ga selalu).
.Finding and seducing these sneezers is an essential step.
.Dont try to make a product for everybody, because that is a product for nobody. The everybody products are all taken.
.Target niche market of a huge market.
.Small slice of the market, that hear and respond what we say, and more likely to talk about your product.
.The market is small enough that a few sneezer can get you to the critical mass you need to create ideavirus.
.It is useless to advertise to anyone, except interested sneezers with influence.
.Develop products, service, and techniques that the market will actually seek out.
.Influential sneezers, the people with problem to solve -- they're open to hearing your story only if it is truly remarkable; otherwise, you are invisible.
.When faced with a market in which no one is listening, the smartest plan is usually to leave, or the Purple Cow: launch a products/services/promotional offering that somehow gets (the right) people to listen.
.Differentiate your customer -- find the most profitable one, who likely to sneeze, and ignore the rest.
.Problem with big number: reach banyak belom tentu sales banyak.
.Make a list of competitors who are not trying to be everything to everyone. Are they outperforming you? If you could pick one underserved niche to target (and to dominate) what would it be? Why not launch a product to compete with your own -- a product that does nothing but appeal to this market ?
.The problem with the Purple Cow is actually the problem with fear.
.The cow is so rare because people are afraid.
.If you're remarkable, it's likely that some people wont like you -- that's part of the definition of remarkable.
.In a crowded marketpace, fitting is falling.
.In a bury marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.
.We're mistakenly believe that criticism leads into failure. We're taught that being noticed is almost always bad. (Inget pas sekola dulu, kebanyakan pada gamau ditunjuk kan)
.Being safe is risky.
.You do not equal the product. Criticism of the projects is not criticsm of you.
.It's people who have projects that are never critized who ultimately fail.
.Ada film, mobil, yang dikritik gila-gilaan, eh ternyata laku banget. (Bisa relate berapa kali review film jelek di RottenTomatoes tapi ternyata pas ditonton banyak yang suka dan meledak banget). Buku ini jelasin beberapa contoh: Caddilac new CTS, film 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding', Bob Dylan (musisi), Mike Bloomberg (politisi).
.Hey, if it was easy to become a rock star, evveryone would do it.
.Kita gabisa tau Purple cow kita dijamin berhasil. Kita gabisa tau apakah ini remarkable enough of too risky. That's the point. Boring always leads to failure.
20 September 2020
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Follow The Leader.
.Burung terbang dalam formasi biar yang belakang bisa menghemat energi, dan nanti 'leader' bisa tukeran posisi sama yang lain buat istirahat dulu.
.Banyak businesspeople follow the same strategy, nunggu leader punya breaktrough idea, nanti tinggal di-kopi dan menikmati diam di dalam formasi
.Masalah kebanyakan orang yang menghindar 'remarkable career' adalah mereka gapernah berakhir sebagai leader.
.Kerja di perusahaan besar, berusaha menghindari resiko, dikritik, lalu kalo sampe salah pilih leader, they lose.
.Banyak perusahaan yang coba tempel sama leader, lalu bikin produk tiruan, dan ga sadar bahwa marketnya drying up.
.Safe is risky.
.'Kelompok' ini karena selalu ikut-ikutan leader dan gapernah dikritik, saat pasar berubah, mereka gatau harus ngapain: misalnya malah mencoba menghidupkan market yang mati. Tapi di long run, jelas tetep kalah.
Aeron chair
.dulu, pekerja selain CEO, lu gabisa pilih atau protes mau tempat duduk di kantor kaya gimana.
.pembeli desk chair mencari a safe and easy choice, and the manufacturers lestened carefully to the buyer, and made a safe and easy choices. This was a dull market with a dull result.
.Herman Miller bikin kursi ($750): a chair that look differently, worked differently,and cost a bunch.
.Inilah Purple Cow. Semua orang mau coba, dan yang udah nyobain wanted to talk about it.
Designernya sendiri sadar bahwa ini adalah kursi yang mahal dan bukan pilihan aman buat ordinary purchasing agent.
.Taunya ada yang beli banyak (Seth Goldstein founder of SiteSpecific) yang berita dia beli kursi ini sampai masuk Wall Street Journal.
.Ini tentang putting the marketing investmen into the product instead of into media.
.The best design solves problems, but if you can weld to the cool factor, then you have a homerun. - Mark Schurman of Herman Miller.
Projection, Profits & The Purple Cow
.Mass marketing demand, mass product. And mass products beg for more marketing.
.Part 1 : Boring product
.Ada perusahaan yang produksi produk aman.
.Produk yang bland enough to work for the masses. Spicy food to less spicy, make service a little less great (and a little cheaper). Push everything from the price to the performance - to the center of the market.
.Lalu perusahaan mau iklan -- maunya maximum possible appeal.
.Apa poinnya ngiklan ke semua orang a product that dosent appeal to anyone ?
.Minimum possible chance of success.
.Innovators and early adopters will be bored of this mass-marketed product -- ignore it.
.Early and late majority yang memang gamau denger, tentang iklan untuk produk baru apapun, tentu gabakalan beli juga.
.Satu-satunya cara idea reach the bulk of the market adalah dengan cara movve from the left to right. You can no longer reach everyone at once.
.Part 2: Scary budget
.Kalo mau launch a product for the masses, you need to spend big.
.Masalah dengan scary budget ini adalah kita harus membuat the ads work, and quickly.
.Kalau ga cepet break the clutter, capture imagination and attention, get retailer exicted and stocking your product, and get the factory unloading its inventory, well it is over.
.You have wasted your shot; you dont gent a second chance, and the product is considered dead.
2 hal tentang modal awal:
.Kita cuma punya sedkit kesempatan untuk launch product, karena mahal, jadinya ga akan ambil risk, dan produksi boring product and me-too product.
.Ga ngasih waktu untuk idea spread ke kanan, waktu idenya nyampe, ternyata modal udah abis.
.A frledging company spent most of its caputal on mass marketing. Marketing that came too soon and disappeared before the idea could spread.
.Saat film Blair Witch / Greek Wedding dibuat, mereka ga pake banyak duit untuk marketing. Mereka fokus bikin remarkable movie.
.Every product that aimed at a large audience (consumers & industries) falls into this trap.
.Polaine bread. Dia menolak resep biasa, belajar dari semua cookbook. Dia buat sourdough cuma flour, water, starter, sea salt -- wood oven. Dia gamau hire a baker -- too many bad habit to unlearn -- dia memilih hire a young men yang willing to apprentince with him for years. Pertamanya ditolak, karena terlalu daring and different. Tapi kualitasnya yang overwhelming akhirnya won it.
Mass marketing hate to measure.
.Direct marketing ngitungnya bener: figure out what works, and do it more.
.Measurement means admitting what's broken so you can fix it.
.The creator of Purple Cow juga harus ngelakuin perhitungan. Produksi, interaksi, aturan.
.The winners will be companies that figure out what's workign fastest -- and do it more (and figure out what's not working -- and kill it).
.Zara ngubah clothing line per tiga minggu, yang laku lanjut, yang engga langsung udahan.
.If you measure it, it will improve.
22 September 2020
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Who wins at the world of the Cow ?
.Big losers: giant brand, with big factories and quarterly targets, organization with significant corporate inertia and low threshold for perceived risk.
.Sekali addict ke TV-industrial complex, perusahaan-perusahaan ini bakal buat hirarki dan sistem yang bikin sangat susah untuk menjadi remarkable.
.Obvious winner: med-size company and smaller company looking to increase market share. Ini adalah perusahaan yang nothing to lose, tapi yang penting, mereka sadar mereka punya banyak to gain by changing the rules of the game.
.BIC kehilangan tons of market to japanese competitor saat mereka developed that were remarkable fun to write with, just as BIC stole the market away from fountain pen a generation or two earlier.
The benefit of being the Cow
.Paradox: world gets more turbulent, more and more people seek safety: eliminate as musch risk as they can.
.People mistakenly believe the way to do it is to play safe. Makin sedikit orang bikin Purple Cow.
.Pada waktu yang sama, pasar semakin cepat. While fewer people attempt to become the Cow, the rewards for being remarkable continue to increase.
.In exchange of taking the risk -- the risk of failure or ridicule or unfulfilled dreams -- the creator of the Purple Cow gets a huge upside when he/she gets it right.
.Dan ga harus selamanya jadi remarkable: Starbucks.
.Kalo udah ketemu mau buat apa (the Cow), ada 2 hal:
.Milk the Cow for everything it's worth. Figure how to extend and profit from it for as long as possible.
.Create environment where you are likely to invent a new Purple Cow in time to replace the first one when its benefit inevitably trail off.
.Tapi susah juga, gabisa cuma buat satu Purple Cow. Harus buat lagi, tapi ya ada juga yang sukses dengan cuma buat satu Purple Cow.
.What's the secret to every entrepreneur dream: the successful IPO ? One thing: they'd created a Purple Cow and proved it.
The opposite of remarkable: very good.
.What makes it remarkable is if it's horrile beyond belief, of if the service is so unexpected.
.Very good adalah respon orang biasa, dan kalo ga ada yang baru, it's hardly worth mentioning.
The pearl in the bottle
.The packaging is very much part of the experience of using the product.
.Not only is it unique, but th uniqueness is aimed at a specifif audience, one in which the early adopters are more than happy to proselytize to their friend.
27 September 2020
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The Parody Paradox
.The very uniqueness that led to a parody result in a huge increase of attention, in sales, and in profits.
.Kalo kita bisa show up in a parody, it means you've got something unique, something worth poking fun at -- Purple Cow at work.
.Paradoxnya: The same word of mouth that can make your product a huge hit can also lead to someone's snickering at you.
Pearl Jam: keeps the existing customer base satisfied with remarkable product.
Curad:mau menggeser Band-Aid. semua orang mikir Curad gila. Caranya: Curad bikin bandage dengan character printed on them. Prime customer untuk small bandage adalah anak-anak. Satu anak pake ke sekolah, anak-anak yang lain liat dan mau juga. Curad langsung mengambil a chunk of market sharenya market leader.
Sit there, dont just do something.
.Departemen marketing sering kali merasa membutuhkan justifikasi akan keberadaan mereka.
.Slogan lama kerasa tua, mereka bakal spend million dollars to invent and propagate a new one.
.Retail sale turun, marketers bakal hire consultant to freshen up their store.
.Itu semua kompromi. Budget compromise: ga ada duit buat launch new products, yaudah launch a new slogan aja. Product compromise:"wah ini bakal offend our existing customer base; let's do something less radical" -- all these compromises are worse than doing nothing.
.Kalo kita do nothing, at least youre not going to short-circuit your existing consumer network by loading them up with a lot of indefensible junk.
.Kalo do nothing, sneezer lu masih bisa trumpet the original cool stuff that made you popular in the first place.
.The constant 'refreshing' with even more mediocre messaging and product just makes it harder for your few remains fans to spread the world.
.Doing nothing is not good as doing something fread. But marketing just to keep busy is worse than nothing at all.
.The more intransgient your market, the more crowded the marketplace, the busier your customer, the more you need the Purple Cow.
In search of Otaku
Otaku: more than a hobby, but a little less of obsession.
.Otaku is the heart of the Purple Cow phenomenom.
.Customer with otaku are the sneezer you seek.
.Mereka adalah orang yang bakal take time buat learn our product, take the risk to try your product and take their friends' time to tell them aout it.
.Smart business target markets where there's already otaku.
.Dutch boy: dia ganti kaleng cat jadi yang gampang dibawa, lebih mudah to pour-from, dan lebih mudah buat ditutup. Ini adalah marketing done right. Marketing where the marketers change the product, not the ads.
.Krispy kreme: donat terkenal. Donatnya enak, no doubt. Waktu Krispy Kreme open in new town, mereka kasih gratis ribuan donat. Tentu orang yang show up mostly adalah orang yang udah denger tentnag Krispy Kreme, and delighted that they're finally in town.
.These sneezer are quick to tell their friends, sell their friends, even drag their friends to a store -- ini adalah second phase.
.Setelah buka flagship store, mereka rush to do deals with gas station, coffee shop, and delis. Goalnya untuk mempermuda orang-orang stumble onto the product.
.They start with people who will drive twenty miles and finish with the pepople too lazy to cross the street.
.Kalo productnya stays remarkable, then some of these lazy people will converted to the donuts otaku -- new wave.
.Find the market niche first, and then make the remarkable product -- not the other way around.
The process and the plan
.A genuine Purple Cow is something that was remarkable in just the right way.
.Ga ada formula khusus untuk Puple Cow, tapi ada cara-caranya:
Go for the edges. Challenge yourself and the team to describe what those edges are (not that you'd actually go there) and then test which edge is most likely to deliver the marketing and financial result you seek.
Dengan renew Ps kita bisa sketch where the edges are and where the competitions. Tanpa mengerti this landscape, kita gabisa ke next step and figure out which innovation you can support.
.Starbucks determined how to redefine what a cup of coffee meant.
.It's not the tactics or the plan that joins the Purple Cow products together. It's the process organization use to discover (intentionally or accidentally) the gringes that make their products remarkable.
29 September 2020
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The Power of the slogan
.A slogan that accurately conveys the essence of your Purple Cow is a script. A script for sneezer to use when she talks about with her friends.
.The script guarantees that the word of mouth is passed on properly -- that the prospect is coming to you for the right reason.
.Tiffany's box, Apple's industrial design, The Leaning Tower of Pisa.
.This is not marketing done to a product. The marketing is the product, and vice versa.
Sell what people are buying (and telling about)
.It's a lot of easier to sell something that people are already in the mood to buy.
.Costumer whith need are the ones who more likely to respond to your solution.
.Start with a problem that you can solve for your customer. Then, when you've come up with a solution that is so remarkable, that the early adopters among this population will gleefully respond, you've got to promote it in a medium where these most likely to sneeze are actually paying attention.
.Altoids: mereka sadar bahwa young adult who werent taking up smoking were looking something to do with their fingers and their mouths while at work. Mereka spoke directly to the market about a need that the customers didnt know about.
The problem with compromise
.Kalo goal marketing adalah untuk membuat Purple Cow, dan nature of the cow adalah to be extreme in some attribute, it's inevitably that compromise can only diminish your success.
.Compromise adalah tentang sanding down the rough edge to gain buy-in from other constituents.
.In almost every market, the boring slot is filled -- products to appeal largest possible audience. Its difficult to replace them.
.The real growth comes with product that annoy, offend, dont appeal, are too expensive, too cheap, too heavy, too complicated, too simple -- too something. Of course they're too 'too' for some people, but just perfect for others.
The magic cycle of the cow
.Sneezer love to sneeze -- they're often open to hearing from marketers who are pretty reliable in their track record of creating Purple Cow.
.If we respect the sneezer, they'll listen.
1. Get the permission from people you impressed the first time: permission to alert them the next time you might have another cow.
2. work with sneezer: help your idea to cross the chasm. gibe them the tools and the story, they'll need to tell your idea to a wider audience.
3. once you've crossed the line from remarkable to profitable business, let a different team milk it. milk it for all it's worth and fast.
4. reinvest, do it again. with vengeance. launch another Purple Cow to the same audience. Fail and fail and fail again. Assume that what was remarkable last time wont be remarkable this time.
What it means to be a marketers today
.marketing was really better called 'advertising'. Marketing was about communicating the value of a product after it had been developed and manufactured.
.sekarang ga valid lagi: product attribute (everything from service to design) are now at the heart of what it means to be a marketers.
.Marketing is the act of inventing the product. The effort of designing it, the craft of producing it. The art of pricing it, the technique of selling it.
.How can a Purple Cow company not be run by a marketers ?
.CEO Starbucs: he got the head of marketing involved in product design and training as well.
.Everything they do that adds value is marketing.
.If a company is failing, it is the fault of the most senior management, and the problem is probably this: they're running the company, not marketing a product.
.Go to design course. Send your designer to a marketing course. And both of you should spend a week in the factory.
Marketing no longer: Now we are designer.
.If post-design, post-manufacture marketing is dead, what replace it ? Deisgn. Not pure design, buat a merket-centric design that builds the very success of the product's marketing into the product itself.
.If you are marketers who doesnt know to invent, design, influence, adapt, and ultimately discard product, then you are no longer a marketer. you are deadwood.
.Make a list of all remarkable products in your industry. Who made them ? How did they happen ? Model the behavior (not mimic the product) and youre more than halfway to making your own.
What does Howard know ?
.Starbucks: kopinya enak. (personally gue engga bilang enak sih) Why ? Karena Howard Schultz (CEO) loves coffee. He has a coffee otaku.
.Where does remarkable come from ? Often it comes from passionate people who are making something for themselves.
.Its interesting to note that the chocholate at Starbucks isnt as great as the coffee. obviously, Howard doesnt know chocholate the way he knows coffee.
.Starbucks inst obssesed with chocholate, they just sell it.
.The #1 question of Purple Cow: how do i know it is remarkable ? -- This question almost always comes from the pepole who dont have the otaku.
.Sometimes, in the middle of the tumult of work, its easy to forget that we're making something for people who care.
.The challenge is in projecting. Its easier if you care deeply.
.2 teknik:
1.belajar art of projecting. Of getting inside the heads of people who do care deeply about this product and making them something they'll love and want to share.
Marketers and designer who do it can put themselves into other people's shoes and imagine what they want. Dalam jangka panjang, cara ini bakal lebih profitable daripada being able to make stuff for only yourself.
if you havent developed humility that comes from being able to project to multiple audience, you're likely to panic when you cant connect to your chosen group any longer.
2. learn the science of projecting -- to build dicipline of launching product, watching, measuring, learning, and doing it again. Cara ini gaberlaku buat complicated, long-sales-cycle product kaya jet airplate, tapi berlaku buat mobil, mainan, and most everything in between.
The marketers who are pacticing the science of perojecting what people want dont have a particular bias or point of view. Instead, they understand the process and will takit eherever it goes.
.Is there someone in your industry who has a track record of successfully launcing remarkable product? Can you hire them away, or at least learn from their behaviour ? Immerse yourself in for magazine, trade show, design review -- whatever it takes to feel what your fans feel
.When GM shows a concept car in New York Auto Show, theres more than ego involved. They're trying to figure out wat car nuts thinks is remarkable. im not pitching focus group here, im talking about very public release of cheap prototypes.
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